The act of delaying or postponing anything is procrastination. You might also define it as a pattern of delaying starting or finishing a task despite knowing that it will have negative repercussions. It is a normal human experience to put off mundane duties or even important ones. It might be attending an appointment, filing a job report, or completing an academic assignment.

Here are 6 techniques you can follow while using any online stopwatch to beat procrastination and distraction.

Make a detailed to-do list with each task


This strategy will not for broader objectives or vague goals. The key to increasing productivity is by limiting the time you need. As a result, you must target completing smaller specific tasks in less time. You’ll probably be able to give it a small time limit this way.

Assign a time constraint to each task

Keeping your focus on a single activity might be challenging. This becomes harder if you have a habit of juggling between numerous tasks at once.

A stopwatch timer establishes the expectation that you will work on only one thing for this period of time. Keep working until the timer goes off. Then you will have more time to complete other tasks.

Setting an online stopwatch forces you to stay focused on a particular task. This also prevents your attention from wandering. As a result, you will be able to do that task far more quickly.


Avoid time windows that are longer than a half-hour. The goal of this exercise is to make activities seem less intimidating. This will encourage you to concentrate on them. Setting aside 45 minutes to answer to the ten emails in your inbox will ruin the purpose. It will simply allow you to waste the majority of that time since you know you have that much time. Give yourself smaller targets like 10 minutes for checking 5 emails instead.

You can then devote that time to completing a single task to the best of your ability. This strategy can be useful for time-sensitive jobs that require your entire focus. It can help you avoid switching to new tasks before the current one is complete. This technique will work even if you do not like the task you are working on.

This degree of dedication brings out the best in you. This allows you to complete more activities in less time with greater efficiency.

Stop Distractions

Emails, social media, phone calls, and other disruptions can all divert your attention away from your goal. While working, these distractions are the top productivity killers, crushing your output. You can use any stopwatch online to avoid all of these interruptions. As your online stopwatch ticks away, you will be less likely to pay attention to these distractions. This will inevitably make you more likely to concentrate on the task at hand.


If you have a phone call, for example, you can put it on silent. You can also pick it up and tell the caller that you will call back later. You can deal with emails and text messages in the same way. Almost all such interruptions can wait. You can also resist the impulse to check social media and save time by avoiding these distractions.

Resist multitasking

According to study from Stanford University, multitasking reduces productivity and efficiency. Whether it is because of the nature of your job or the persistent desire to surpass your peers, the end result is the same. If you want to be more productive, this is one of the things you should quit doing.

Multitasking, according to another study conducted at the University of London, might even harm your brain and lower your IQ.


Our brains are not built to flip between tasks quickly. As a result, switching focus from one task to another takes a lengthy time.

With so many targets to achieve each day, the mantra of “move fast and break things” may work in some circumstances, but not always. One significant drawback of this method is that you wind up making a lot of clutter. This can inevitably slow down your efficiency and productivity over time.

Because of the mess you have made, it will be difficult to locate items. This will waste time and cause you to fall short of your daily academic targets. That is why it is critical to establish a work day discipline. Using productivity trackers is a fantastic way to do it.

You can try making it a challenge by setting up an online stopwatch. But do not abandon the task until the timer runs out.

Using an online stopwatch forces you to concentrate on one task at a time. This keeps your attention from wandering. Hence it permits you to focus on one thing in order to attain your goal.

Do not keep an eye on the time

This is where online stopwatches prove to be the most helpful. You can use’s online stopwatch. You can open the webpage in a browser tab and then hide it. This way you will not be able to watch the time as it passes. The objective of using a stopwatch timer is not to worry about the time. It is to know that the stopwatch is ticking, and you want to be ready as soon as you can.


Do not stop

It is not that the activities are overwhelming or particularly difficult to finish. It is just that getting started on them keeps us stuck in the avoidance loop. Here, tricking your brain is the best way to beat procrastination. By telling ourselves that we just have to do this for a few minutes, we make the activity seem more manageable. Once you are in it, you will realize that it is not too bad.

Using online stopwatches to time yourself discourage procrastination.

At the same time, time constraints also help you stay on track and boost your productivity. It entails perseverance. You will have to fight the urge to use your phone for entertainment and other distractions.